Університет Грінвіча (University of Greenwich) - відомий британський державний університет з двома кампусами - у Лондоні та Кенті.
Сильний ВНЗ у кількох областях одразу, особливо у бізнесі, математиці, архітектурі, інженерії та природничих науках.
Цифри та рейтинги
- 2 нобелівські лауреати - випускники Грінвічського університету
- близько 20,000 студентів щорічно
- топ-700 у світі (QS WUR, THE WUR)
- 90-95 місце у Великій Британії (Guardian, Times, Complete)
Факультети та спеціальності
У University of Greenwich 4 факультети:
Business School
- Accounting and Finance, BA Hons
- Accounting and Finance, BA Hons (Year 2 & 3 Direct Entry)
- Accounting and Financial Information Systems, BA Hons
- Advertising and Digital Marketing Communications, BA Hons
- Business Economics, BA Hons
- Business Entrepreneurship and Innovation, BA Hons
- Business Logistics and Transport Management (Year 2 & 3 Direct Entry), BA Hons
- Business Logistics and Transport Management, BA Hons
- Business Management (Year 2 & 3 Direct Entry), BA Hons
- Business Management, BA Hons
- Business Purchasing and Supply Chain Management (Year 2 & 3 Direct Entry), BA Hons
- Business Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, BA Hons
- Business Studies (Year 2 & 3 Direct Entry), BA Hons
- Business Studies, BA Hons
- Business with Accounting (Year 3 Direct Entry), BA Hons
- Business with Finance (Year 2 & 3 Direct Entry), BA Hons
- Business with Finance, BA Hons
- Business with Human Resource Management (Year 3 Direct Entry), BA Hons
- Business with Marketing (Year 2 & 3 Direct Entry), BA Hons
- Business with Marketing, BA Hons
- Economics (Year 2 & 3 Direct Entry), BSc Hons
- Economics, BSc Hons
- Events Management, BA Hons
- Finance and Investment Banking, BSc Hons
- Finance and Investment Banking, BSc Hons (Year 2 & 3 Direct Entry)
- Hospitality Management, BA Hons
- Human Resource Management, BA Hons
- International Business with Language, BA Hons
- International Business, BA Hons
- Marketing Management, BA Hons
- Tourism Management with Language, BA Hons
- Tourism Management, BA Hons
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Animation, BA Hons
- Architecture, BA Hons
- Building Studies, HNC (London South East Colleges - Holly Hill Campus)
- Building Studies, HND (QA Only) (London South East Colleges - Holly Hill Campus)
- Building Surveying, HNC (London South East Colleges - Holly Hill Campus)
- Business Computing, BSc Hons
- Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence), BSc Hons
- Computer Science (Cyber Security), BSc Hons
- Computer Science (Data Science), BSc Hons
- Computer Science (Games), BSc Hons
- Computer Science (Networking), BSc Hons
- Computer Science, BSc Hons
- Computer Security and Forensics, BSc Hons
- Computing (Information Systems), BSc Hons
- Computing (Network Systems), BSc Hons
- Computing, BSc Hons
- Construction Management, BSc Degree Apprenticeship
- Construction Management, BSc Hons
- Construction Management, HNC (London South East Colleges - Holly Hill Campus)
- Creative Advertising and Art Direction, BA Hons
- Creative Writing and English Literature, BA Hons
- Creative Writing, BA Hons
- Criminology and Criminal Justice, BA Hons
- Criminology and Criminal Psychology, BSc Hons
- Digital Media Design and Development (Virtual Reality), BSc
- Digital Media Design and Development (Web and Applications), BSc Hons
- Digital Media Design and Development, BSc Hons
- Drama and English Literature, BA Hons
- Drama, BA Hons
- English Language and English Language Teaching (ELT), BA Hons
- English Language and Literature, BA Hons
- English Literature with Creative Writing, BA Hons
- English Literature, BA Hons
- Film Studies, BA Hons
- Film and Television Production, BA Hons
- Financial Mathematics, BSc Hons
- Forensic Science with Criminology, BSc Hons
- Forensic and Digital Investigation, BSc Hons
- Games Design and Development (Modelling and Animation), BSc Hons
- Games Design and Development (Programming), BSc Hons
- Games Design and Development (Virtual Reality), BSc Hons
- Games Design and Development, BSc Hons
- Graphic and Digital Design, BA Hons
- Graphic and Digital Design, HND
- History and English, BA Hons
- History and Politics, BA Hons
- History and Sociology, BA Hons
- History, BA Hons
- Landscape Architecture, BA Hons
- Languages and International Relations, BA Hons
- Law Senior Status, LLB Hons
- Law in Practice, LLB Hons
- Law, LLB Hons
- Mathematics and Computer Science, BSc Hons
- Mathematics with Business, BSc Hons
- Mathematics with Economics, BSc Hons
- Mathematics, BSc Hons
- Media and Communications, BA Hons
- Occupational Safety, Health and Environment, BSc Hons (Top-up)
- Politics and International Relations, BA Hons
- Professional Dance and Musical Theatre, BA Hons
- Quantity Surveying, BSc Hons
- Quantity Surveying, HND (London South East Colleges - Holly Hill Campus)
- Sociology and Criminology, BSc Hons
- Sociology and Psychology, BSc Hons
- Sociology, BA Hons
- Software Engineering, BEng Hons
- Statistics and Data Analytics, BSc Hons
- Study Abroad, LLB Hons
- Urban Design, BA Hons
Faculty of Engineering and Science
- Applied Biomedical Science, BSc Hons
- Biology, BSc Hons
- Biology, MBiol
- Biomedical Science, BSc Hons
- Chemical Engineering, BEng Hons
- Chemistry, BSc Hons
- Chemistry, HNC
- Chemistry, MChem
- Civil Engineering, BEng Hons
- Climate Change, BSc Hons
- Computer Engineering, BEng Hons
- Cybernetics, BEng Hons
- Digital and Technology Solutions, BSc Hons (Degree Apprenticeship)
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology, BEng Hons
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering, BEng Hons
- Embedded Electronic Systems Design and Development, BEng Hons (Degree Apprenticeship)
- Engineering Management, BEng Hons
- Engineering, Design and Innovation, BEng Hons
- Environmental Science, BSc Hons
- Forensic Science with Criminology, BSc Hons
- Forensic Science with Industrial Placement, BSc Hons
- Forensic Science, BSc Hons
- Forensic and Digital Investigation, BSc Hons
- Human Nutrition & Health, BSc Hons
- Information Technology Management for Business, BSc Hons
- Pharmaceutical Sciences, BSc Hons
- Pharmacy, MPharm
- Pharmacy, MPharm with Foundation Year
- Physical Geography, BSc Hons
- Product Design and Development Engineer, BEng Hons (Degree Apprenticeship)
Faculty of Education, Health and Human Sciences
- Adult Nursing, BSc Hons
- Business Psychology, BSc Hons
- Children's Nursing, BSc Hons
- Counselling, BA Hons (Top-up) (Guildford College)
- Education Studies (Top Up)
- Education Studies, BA Hons (Top up) (NESCOT)
- Health and Social Care, BA Hons (Top-up)
- Learning Disabilities Nursing, BSc Hons
- Mental Health Nursing, BSc Hons
- Midwifery, BSc Hons
- Operating Department Practitioner, BSc Hons
- Paramedic Science, BSc Hons
- Physical Education and Sport, BA Hons
- Primary Education Studies (2-Year Accelerated Degree), BA Hons
- Psychology with Counselling, BSc Hons
- Psychology, BSc Hons
- Public Health, BSc Hons
- Social Work, BA Hons
- Sociology and Psychology, BSc Hons
- Specialist Practitioner (District Nursing), BSc Hons (Top up)
- Speech and Language Therapy, BSc Hons
- Sport and Exercise Science, BSc
Магістратура та післядипломні програми
Business School
- Accounting and Finance, MSc
- Business - Research, MPhil/PhD
- Economics, MSc
- Executive Master of Business Administration, MBA
- Finance and Investment, MSc
- Finance and Investment, MSc (DUAL Award, Greenwich and New Zealand)
- Finance and Investment, MSc (DUAL Award, Greenwich)
- Finance, MBA
- Financial Management and Risk, MSc
- Human Resource Management, MA
- International Banking and Finance, MSc
- International Business, MA
- International Events Management, MA
- International Tourism and Hospitality Management, MA
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management, MA
- Marketing Management, MBA
- Strategic Advertising and Marketing Communications, MA
- Strategic Marketing, MA
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Applied Linguistics, MA
- Architectural Practice, PGDip
- Architecture Part 2, MArch
- Architecture, Landscape and Urbanism, MSc
- Big Data and Business Intelligence, MSc
- Computer Forensics and Cyber Security, MSc
- Computer Science, MSc
- Computing and Information Systems, MSc
- Construction Management and Economics, MSc
- Construction Project Management, MSc
- Contemporary Performance, MA
- Creative Writing, MA
- Criminology and Criminal Psychology, MSc
- Criminology, Gender and Sexualities, MSc
- Data Science, MSc
- Design, MA
- Digital Arts, MA
- English: Literary London, MA
- Facilities Management, MSc
- Film Production MSc
- International & Commercial Law, LLM
- International Criminology, MA
- Landscape Architecture, MA
- Law, Regulation and the International Financial System, MSc
- Management of Business Information Technology, MSc
- Media and Creative Cultures, MA
- Occupational Hygiene, MSc
- Project Management (International) (Distance Learning), MSc
- Real Estate Development and Investment, MSc
- Safety, Health and Environment, MSc
- Sustainable Building Design and Engineering, MSc
- Web Design and Content Planning, MA
Faculty of Engineering and Science
- Advanced Chemical Engineering, MSc
- Agriculture for Sustainable Development, MSc
- Applied Food Safety and Quality Management, PGDip/MSc
- Biomedical Science (Online), MSc/PGDip/PGCert
- Biotechnology, MSc
- Civil Engineering, MSc
- Development Studies - Research, MPhil/PhD
- Electrical Power Engineering, MSc
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering, MSc
- Engineering Management, MSc
- Food Innovation, MSc
- Food Safety and Quality Management e-learning, PGCert/PGDip/MSc
- Formulation Science, MSc
- General Pharmacy Practice, PGCert/PGDip/MSc
- Global Environmental Change, MSc
- Global Shipping Management, MSc
- Haematology, MSc
- Healthcare Management, MSc
- Healthcare Quality Management, MSc
- Independent/Supplementary Prescribing, PGCert
- Machine Intelligence, MSc
- Medicines Optimisation, PGCert/PGDip/MSc
- Pharmaceutical Science, MSc/PGDip
- Product Design Engineering, MSc
- Science, MSc by Research
- Transformative Change for Sustainable Development, MSc
- Water, Waste and Environmental Engineering, MSc
Faculty of Education, Health and Human Sciences
- Advanced Clinical Practice, MSc
- Child and Adolescent Psychology, MSc
- Criminology and Criminal Psychology, MSc
- Doctorate in Education, EdD
- Education and Training, MPhil/PhD
- Education, MA
- Enhanced Professional Practice, PGDip
- Forensic Psychology, MSc
- Global Health Management, MSc
- Global Public Health MSc
- Health Sciences, MPhil/PhD
- Healthcare Practice, MA
- Higher Education, PGCert
- Human Sciences, MPhil/PhD
- International Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Online)
- Interprofessional Healthcare Simulation, MSc
- Nursing, MSc
- Occupational Psychology, MSc
- Professional Certificate in Education / ProfGCE (London South East Colleges, Bromley Campus)
- Psychology, MSc (Conversion Degree)
- Secondary Education Physical Education, PGCE
- Social Work, MA
- Special Educational Needs: Leading Effective and Inclusive Practice (National Award for Special Educational Needs Coordination), PGCert
- Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (Health Visiting and School Nursing), PGDip
- Specialist Practitioner (District Nursing), PGDip
- Sport and Exercise Psychology, MSc
- Strength and Conditioning, MSc
- Therapeutic Counselling, MSc
Вимоги та терміни для вступу
Вступити до Грінвічського університету відразу після 11 класу української школи не вдасться. Студенту знадобиться:
- Курс річної підготовки (Foundation) або міжнародно визнаний диплом про середню освіту (IB, A-level)
- Високі оцінки з профільних предметів
- Сертифікат, що підтверджує знання англійської мови (IELTS UKVI) не нижче 6.5
Повний список документів, необхідних для вступу, для подання на візу, для подання на знижки ви можете отримати в рамках комплексу послуг із супроводу від спеціалістів SIMPLEX.UA!
Вартість навчання та витрати
- Бакалавріат: 15,100 GBP на рік (на більшість спеціальностей)
- Майстер: від 15,100 до 18,500 GBP на рік
- Докторантура: від 15,100 до 16,000 GBP на рік
Студенти можуть вибрати проживання на одному з кампусів університету або підібрати оренду апартаментів у місті самостійно.
Кількість місць на кампусах дуже обмежена, тому рекомендуємо бронювати її в перші ж дні після відкриття реєстрації.
Вартість проживання залежить від вибраного кампусу та умов: від 4,700 GBP до 7,000 GBP за навчальний рік (40 тижнів) без харчування.
Кампуси університету
Університет складається з 3-х кампусів - Avery Hill та Greenwich у Лондоні, та Medway - у місті Кент.
Кожен кампус – це першокласні лабораторії, бібліотеки та сучасне обладнання для навчання студентів та практики.